Meet Chef Caitlin Woods.

Caitlin is an excellent baker, and is the mastermind behind the baguettes at Compaignon. 

Tell us a bit about yourself and how your cooking journey started!

I grew up cooking with my dad - all of our favorite memories center around time in the kitchen. As a child, if I met any person who worked in food, I was extremely impressed. My career in food started with Antoinette’s Bakery in high school, and has continued in kitchens and bakeries throughout town for the past 11 years. 

What is your biggest pet peeve, food related or otherwise?

Mouth sounds.

What is your favorite kitchen memory or bit?

Calling spinach “spanch”.

What is your DND alignment?

True Neutral.

What is your favorite bar in Tulsa?

Heirloom Rustic Ales.